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Houses Fowler Elementary

Find houses near Fowler Elementary. Located in Wichita Falls, the school is ranked as above average, much to the delight of anyone who’ll be moving to the area. Fowler received high marks in its diversity, quality of teachers, and academics alike. When buying a home the nearby schools should always be considered, not just because of education quality, but because of their impact on home values!

What can you expect if the house you purchase is zoned for a top-ranked school like Fowler? This means a greater appreciation rate, which in turn, will give you a more substantial resale price when you decide to list and sell. The property will likewise appeal to people who wish to move to the area and take advantage of all the school has to offer their children.

If living near Fowler, what should you know? The median home value in the vicinity of the school is $109,900. 601 students are attending the school, and there’s a 15:1 student-teacher ratio. There are currently 18 listings near the school, some of which include new construction options. Regardless of your preferences, you’re sure to find something ideal for you and your family.

Call a REALTOR® who understands the needs of those who are looking for a place to live. A good agent will assess every variable, including nearby schools like Fowler, and the impact those will have on your housing values for years to come. Schedule your consultation at your earliest convenience. You’ll be in awe of the choices you have, leading the way to happy homeownership!

  • Houses near Fowler Elementary can be yours!